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Head nod up and down, side to side.

Rotate shoulders forwards and backwards.

Rotate arms around body.

Pull one arm across body and hold.

Repeat with the other arm.

Turn torso to one side then another keeping head still.

Keeping legs straight lean to the side.

Bringing arm over head and repeat with the other arm.

Rotate hips clockwise then anti clockwise.

Bend down keeping legs straight and fold your arms and hold.

Sit on your knees with bum on ankles and body outstretched.

On all four arch back and hold.

slow press ups x12. 

Hold a plank for 60.

Return to sit on ankles.

Side stretch hold and alternate.

Lie on back full stretch then crunch hold.

Bridge back arch and hold for 60.

Hold legs out at 90 and hold for 60.

Bridge leg over body hold for 30 and alt.

Folded leg on other towards chest hold 30 and alt.

Pull knee towards op shoulder hold for 30 and alt.

Tap base of back on floor for 30.

Sit leg straight hold feet and alt.


Escape Hatch

Work tangles.

Sieve handles


companion sinks

tack and peel

ball and all


pinch fiddely






Staring Holes


Bare walls?

Weak ends

A dull thud.


Empty Echo's.

Scanty clad.

A dull thud.


Stare stains.

Hum drums.

A dull thud.


Roots Entwined with Stone

after John Roderick Rees

tripped up

or over

stony ground.

​tree prostrated


soil. under fingernails

stoney ground

soles seen

mapped out 

mirror, mirror 

stoney ground

Ruptured ends

Weary, weary

Boring, boring 

stoney ground

what a let down

to earth

Stoney ground 

not you.


Bodged up

No Nails

stoney ground 

after stone.

Stoney ground 

let us down

Close Office End of Day

Leave door by copier open and shut other.

Turn lights off shut window.

Lock x2 cupboards and put key back in cabinet at recept'.

Check phones are red.

Any issues that you can not resolve and no Team Leader then email Duty Manager

To add x2 ICE items together in one entry

Print last 2 for 2 top ones and delete in scan section.

Will look like One but look carefully.

If does not recognise then search name on Advanced and tick all boxes except d of b.

When you get a task.

Physically remove from prep sheets and then right click on Task.

Status Completed.

Check if there is a replacement and then add.

Just open another Prep Form (right click the top bar)

Copy and paste details into empty cell.

Its ok to delete existing pt that doesn't exist on block.

Tasks - Double click on task.

Add (added to prep) (cancelled) i.e




Press Refresh 


Take out no. and click on them and resend as well.

Click on accepted.

It is here if it wasn't sent by us properly.

Do as you would with requests on Home.

Try and resend the failed ones.

Click on Open then retry then select Images.

SMS Survey

Click this if its Monday.

This on when it's Tuesday or any other day.

Press Yes in pop up (might have to wait)

Click on empty, rt click it.

Hover over Actions.

Send SMS Message.

Click Yes.

Click Organisation Presets.

Select No.5




Ignore non sends.

Press Close.



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